ts2-ts4 Castaway Stories Military Set

Conversion to ts2 Ja-viera
Sim pose @aoihana2510

Note: Use dreamcatcher's mattresses to build the bunkbed. If you want use another matress be sure the mattress do not have footprint. Only matress without footprint works.

How To Use the mattress
Enable MOO (bb.moveobjects)
Select mattress
Press Ctrl + 9 until mattress sits as desired in top bunk

Was fun, I learned a lot with this conversion! But the fridge give me a headache! @_@ It’s not the same as the original because I couldn’t macht up the animation with the original mesh, I have to edit a bit the mesh to works with the proper animation :(.
Also I decided to do only the bed frames, so you can use different mattress. 

BTW, this is a really nice set. I love it. Thank you, anonymous!